Bulls For Sale

Identification Pedigree   Actual Weights Selection Indexes
Name AAA# Sire Date of Birth Birth Wean $M $B $C
Fall Born Bulls - 15 Months at Breeding
WHM Revelation 3323 20936088 Connealy Craftsman 8/24/23 67 792 76 213 352
WHM SCF Tremor 3279 20936714 Long Teton 107 8/27/23 71 696 90 185 330
WHM Woodsman 3264 20939520 Connealy Craftsman 9/9/23 83 584 87 188 331
WHM Top Dollar 3265 20936082 Yon Top Cut G730 9/1/23 67 726 86 181 321
WHM Eclipse 3159 20904627 BJ Surpass 8/13/23 55 670 107 163 318
WHM Overdrive 3274 20934932 BJ Surpass 9/4/23 79 826 98 165 312
WHM American 3300 20934933 WHM Legion 1094 9/27/23 75 582 90 167 307
WHM Exchange 3162 20904480 Connealy Commerce 8/27/23 60 562 87 171 309
WHM Sarge 3310 20934935 WHM Legion 1094 10/20/23 86 512 42 192 291
WHM SCF Rabo 3280 20939394 WHM Equality 2009 8/27/23 62 650 63 172 286
WHM Sioux 3155 20910183 Long Teton 107 8/14/23 71 660 63 165 277
WHM SCF Squadron 3299 20945300 WHM Legion 1094 9/27/23 77 572 61 155 262
WHM Altitude 3181 20937741 WHM Stand Alone 2078 10/29/23 51 502 66 156 268
WHM Armory 3305 20938098 WHM Legion 1094 10/7/23 85 636 70 152 267
WHM Stocks 3182 20937742 WHM Equality 2009 10/29/23 51 408 60 146 249
WHM Commando 3183 20977341 WHM No Doubt 1214 10/29/23 58 572 52 151 248
WHM Independent 3247 20934930 Blacktop Bipartisan 0839 9/17/23 93 762 62 142 246
WHM SCF Batallion 3281 20936716 Deer Valley Brigade 81247 8/27/23 75 714 69 115 218
Spring Born Bulls - Coming Yearlings
WHM Execution 4081 21041372 Connealy Craftsman 1/25/24 94 789 87 185 327
WHM Mutual Fund 4087 21025037 Connealy Commerce 3/14/24 76 532 81 180 314
WHM End Point 4080 21037140 WHM End Game 2010K 2/23/24 76 698 81 178 312
WHM Black Knight 4088 21025599 LAR Man in Black 2/9/24 70 574 88 170 310
WHM Outlander 4065 21015528 BJ Surpass 1/11/24 81 618 101 159 307
WHM Gabriel 4090 21025010 Connealy Craftsman 1/17/24 110 866 83 169 302
WHM SCF Peace Keeper 4054 21019674 WHM Stand Alone 2078 1/30/24 85 578 80 167 297
WHM SCF Duality 4029 21020545 Blacktop Bipartisan 0839 1/13/24 74 646 80 166 295
WHM Game On 4089 21024991 Myers Fair-N-Square M39 1/18/24 85 780 76 165 290
WHM Crypto 4037 21017559 Connealy Commerce 1/7/24 86 770 68 169 287
WHM Bridgerton 4062 21015525 Deer Valley Brigade 81247 1/17/24 76 612 62 173 286
WHM Grounded 4067 21015530 WHM Roots 1106 1/9/24 69 690 62 171 284
WHM Initiate 4075 21015535 EZAR Step Up 9178 2/25/24 77 522 74 158 279
WHM SCF Duel 4032 21017081 Deer Valley Brigade 81247 1/3/24 78 652 55 168 273
WHM Raider 4082 21024711 Deer Valley Brigade 81247 12/14/23 50 902 76 152 273
WHM Combat 4005 21041129 Deer Valley Brigade 81247 1/10/24 75 732 69 155 270
WHM Singular 4071 21015532 WHM Equality 2009 1/28/24 76 648 77 148 269
WHM Battlefield 4036 21017104 Deer Valley Brigade 81247 1/7/24 85 648 68 152 265
WHM Totality 4046 21019666 WHM End Game 2010K 1/27/24 69 540 66 153 264
WHM Outsider 4073 21015533 WHM Stand Alone 2078 2/11/24 90 620 69 137 247

AAA #: American Angus Registration Number (Can be used in conjunction with American Angus Website to view the animal's extended pedigree and EPDs)

$M: Maternal Weaned Calf Value; an index, expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences from conception to weaning with the underlying breeding objective assuming that individuals retain their own replacement females within herd and sell the rest of the cull female and all male progeny as feeder calves.

$B: Beef Value; a terminal index value expressed in dollars per carcass, to predict differences in progeny due to genetics for postweaning and carcass traits. This terminal index assumes commercial producers wean all male and female progeny, retain ownership of these animals through the feedlot phase and market these animals on a carcass grid.

$C: Combined Value, an index, expressed in dollars per head that includes all the traits that make up both Maternal Weaned Calf Value and Beef Value with the objective that producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd.
